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Are You Sure Your Personal Information Has Been Protected?


With the rise of Internet technology 4.0, it is undeniable that Network Security is one of the most important things to be aware of. Internet growth is fast growing and Vietnam has become one of the fastest growing Internet users in the world, with 58 million internet users (accounting for 62.76% of the population). second in Southeast Asia, the eighth in Asia, the 30th in the world in IPv4.

Recently, Panda Security (Spain) has released an annual report on the state of cyber-security in 2017. The report said that the number of malicious code generated in just a few hours of 2017 more than the number of malicious code in the twentieth century. Attack objectives have changed, the technique has become more complex, the attack direction is more diverse and the attack tool is more accurately designed. The attackers studied the victims well in order to have appropriate attack strategies, to produce the greatest possible impact.


Network attacks are now intentional and cause huge losses. Therefore, network security is a hot issue and urgent. Instead of opening up public wars where the opposition can be clearly identified, cyberspace is now facing independent attacks, with guerrilla tactics that the attacker does not cover. hours are clearly defined. Moreover, day-to-day technology develops and innovates. Therefore, the rise of sophisticated and advanced attacks is a predictable problem for the future.

Turku Phalan University is one of the best places to train the Bachelor of Network Security.
2018 onwards will be the stage where the network security context is more complex and dangerous. For many professionals, there is a need for a change in mentality (and strategy) to achieve the highest levels of security and safety, protecting the assets of corporate networks, businesses, and governments.


In the past, network security was often overlooked, and now more investment is needed. When Network Security is focused and globalization is inevitable trend in the future, it is evident that the demand for highly qualified and well-trained Network Security personnel in the international environment will increase.

The Finnish Bachelor in Network Security Management offers advanced teaching methods. Especially at IMRT, you will not only learn theoretical knowledge, but will also gain practical experience from experienced trainers in their field of teaching. And the ability to think, adapt and grasp the students’ problems will be the goal of IMRT.
100% of the program is taught in English. Globalization comes with foreign language requirements. Therefore, English proficiency will be a great advantage for IMRT students.
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